
Choosing the Right Replacement Windows

 Window Replacement Reviews and Ratings Not surprisingly, wood clad and fiberglass window frames rated the highest. (These replacement windows also carry the highest price tags.) These window frame materials are better at keeping out the rain, wind and elements. Each window was put through a week of extreme temperatures to see how the window expanded, contracted and flexed with temperature and condition changes. Each window was then tested for water and air leakage. Windows that exhibited little or no change in performance from the start to finish were ranked highest. Vinyl is less expensive and convenient Vinyl replacement windows account for nearly 50% of the market because they are reasonably priced and maintenance-free. However, vinyl windows will let some air seep through, especially in colder climates. In addition, vinyl is less attractive than wood clad and is not able to be stained or painted to match or compliment a home's exterior color. Replacement Window Ratings When co...

Advice And Tips On Finding The Best Vinyl Windows For Your Home

By far, the vinyl replacement window is the most popular type of replacement window used to replace your home windows today. The reason for this is fairly straight forward. They (for the most part) are more affordable than wood, fiberglass or metal windows. They are also energy efficient and if installed properly, will provide years of maintenance free service. Keep in mind this is general information and is not intended to single out any manufacture or window brand. Step One - Before getting into what to look for in a vinyl replacement window, you MUST make sure that new vinyl windows are the right product to use when replacing your current home windows. Most condo associations and historical societies have control over what home windows should be installed. Before contacting any contractors make sure your association or check to see if your home is located within a historical district will allow these types of home windows. If you checked this or the situation does not apply, move to...